Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 allows users to become participants rather than only observers. The users of web 2.0 can now take ownership and exercise control over data, whereas Web 1.0 was exclusively information, and less participation by users. Some examples of the increased technology from web 1.0 to web 2.0 are:

Ofoto to Flickr
mp3.com to Napster
Britanica Online to Wikipedia
Personal websites to blogging


  1. This isn't clear. More explanation, and effort is needed.

  2. I thought the connection between Brittanica and Wikipedia was interesting. I know I used to be a frequent Encarta user, but with the advent of Wikipedia, I have never been back. The pay model for encyclopedias failed when Wikipedia came around. Web 2.0 changed the way these entries were to be written; it was no longer the encyclopedia writers, but an aggregate of experts who all put in their own input.

  3. Basically web 2.0 is an upgrade or from web 1.0. The increased technology allows users to have more control over the site they are using.

    Napster was very revolutionary in music downloading. People were allowed to access more music online than before.

    When Wikipedia emerged, it contained a wide variety of information, using hypertext that allowed users to jump from topic to topic. This increased wikipedi's popularity because people were now able to do more in-depth research.

    Personal websites used to be more popular than blogging. However, now with blogs people can now "subscribe" or "follow" your blog, and you are able to more easily include links in your blog without having to learn HTML code like in personal websites.
