Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Attn: Advertising

In one of Robby’s posts, he posted his thoughts on the way advertising has been developing in order to “catch” and hold the audiences attention. As I do agree with his comments that these advertisers only have a few seconds to get their message across and have the audience intrigued by what they are saying, it should be noted that it is not necessary for this to happen, there are numerous tricks that advertisers use to get people attention. As he stated, advertisers only have a few seconds to get their message across and hope that people get interested in the subject. However I believe that the main way to get people interested in their advertising is in repetition and not instant gratification. Most people find that when a commercial is played over and over again that they become more intrigued then just seeing a commercial once and saying that was cool and moving on. When a commercial is played repeatedly people tend to memorize the information, which leads them to further research the subject and potential buy the product. So it is not necessary to “catch” people’s attention but to get them to learn the information, which will hopefully get them to buy the product.

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