Monday, December 21, 2009

Post for 10/20/09: Cyberspace

Cyberspace is something that is extremely thought provoking and interesting. The fact that there can be a sort of "alternate" reality apart from our physical world is astonishing. When you sit in front of a computer screen, one can truly begin to see what cyberspace truly is. While we can know that there is something behind the computer screen, it is hard for us to truly classify cyberspace as another world. While this "world" of cyberspace is entirely man-made, it makes us question our own innate sense of physical space. Can cyberspace be classified as physical space at all? In some ways, i believe it can. Cyberspace can hold large amounts of information, which should act to prove that it does have some physical properties. While we cannot walk through cyberspace, perhaps it can act to alter the physical world we do walk in. Therefore, while cyberspace may not actually be physical space, it certainly can and does affect our world.

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