Monday, September 21, 2009

Transistors and Vacuum Tubes


Vacuum Tube

Vacuum tubes and transistors were two hugely important inventions in modern electronics. Without these two inventions, radios, telephones, televisions, computers, and other electronic devices would not exist.

According to wikipedia, a vacuum tube is: "is a device used to amplify, switch, otherwise modify, or create an electrical signal by controlling the movement of electrons in a low-pressure space. " While vacuum tubes are slowly being replaced by newer technology, they were vital to modern technology.

A transistor is: "semiconductor device commonly used to amplify or switch electronic signals." It makes electricity move in different directions and is also able to amplify a signal which is hugely important in modern technology.

1 comment:

  1. You need to fix the images in this post. Your points are well taken. Vacuum tubes, relates to th light bulb, gave us the first circuit boards, reducing wiring down in size. Transistors were a key invention that improved on vacuum tubes because they didn't burn out the way tubes did, and therefore were more reliable. They also were smaller, allowing for miniaturization, and with that came mobility. The transistor radio was a small, mobile device, run on batteries, but only possible when bulky vacuum tubes could be replaced. Transistors in turn were further shrunk down into computer chips.
