Tuesday, November 17, 2009


The professor discusses the loss of privacy due to the computer's ability to recall data. It seems that everywhere we are we can be tracked. It has become nearly impossible to cover a trail in our society. Somewhere something we are doing is has been recorded by someone. Records of the websites we visit are archived, stores at which we swipe our credit card are documented, and surveillance cameras observe us. These traces have become hurdles for the common criminal. For the rest of us, the threshold of privacy has been breached. As we discussed earlier in the semester, Internet alias' have become a past practice. We are now willing to share our full names, pictures, employment history, etc. for all to see. Is the release of our private information on the Internet safe? Will it serve to risk improper use of our personal information and/or defame our character? Binary data is factual information and it can be stored and used for or against us.

It startles me to think that everything I do in the cyber realm may be kept track of. So before I share stories or pictures or anything on the Internet, I pretend that my mother is sitting next to me and if there is any doubt I leave it for my hippocampus. Whenever I want a good laugh I look at pictures of my hair cut in high-school. If had put those pictures on the Internet not knowing who has a hold of them I'd probably be more red faced than I am right now for having told you about it. Always remember that employers want you to maintain your image more than you do. Use discretion!


  1. Good advice! And remember that even after you delete something, it may still be archived somewhere.

  2. On one hand, yes this is a con against the average person, but it a pro for criminal investigation. If the police can get a hold of the criminals computer, they can get so much information out of it.

    I'm the same way though, I make sure most of my information online is edited down so I'm not overexposed, but I tried twitter for a little and didn't like it, deactivated it, but when I search it on Google, my name still comes up. So it really is a matter of trust and you can't really trust anything on the internet today.
