Tuesday, November 17, 2009


A major issue with today's culture is our impatience regarding just about anything. We have grown up in an age where everything is expected to be instant. Whether it be instant food, instant entertainment, or even instant treatment to illness, we expect everything to be completed as fast as possible. In particular, I feel that we as a generation take the internet and its amazing abilities for granted. We expect the web page to load instantly, and the song to download nearly instantly, when in reality it is amazing we have this technology at all. I believe we all need to take a step back and realize that this technology is only in its infancy. We should understand that what we have already is amazing and really super fast. Our generation, labeled, "The instant generation", needs to realize that there is value in being patient. If we continue this lifestyle we will only dwell on the waiting periods, instead of valuing that precious time.


  1. It's so true- our generation is all about the fast paced lifestyle. We use emails instead of air mail and expect almost instantaneous feedback.

  2. It is a beautiful thing to not have to wait, but we are being spoiled by, as you stated, having every thing at our instantaneous disposal. Sometimes when you take a step back and ignore anxiety your really taking in the most from what is around you.

  3. Patience, long-term planning, investment in the future... I think it's become clearer in the past year how much it hurts to lose those qualities.
